About Upgrade of LOPA and Safeguards to V4.

In versions prior to V4., you could create a LOPA to assess SIL value for an Instrumented Function from the SIL Analysis. In V4., you can create and manage LOPAs using the Layers of Protection Analysis module. To assess the SIL value for an Instrumented Function using LOPA, you can create a LOPA Assessment record for the Instrumented Function by linking the LOPA.

When you upgrade the module to V4., LOPA Assessment records are created automatically by copying values from the existing LOPAs. The LOPA Assessments are then linked to the corresponding Instrumented Functions and LOPAs. The following table contains the fields in LOPA that are mapped to fields in LOPA Assessment:

Values in the Following Fields in the LOPA... Copied to the following fields in the LOPA Assessment
LOPA ID LOPA Assessment ID
Entity Key Linked LOPA Key
Frequency of Initiating Event Frequency of Initiating Event
Mitigated Consequence Frequency Mitigated Consequence Frequency
Required Mitigated Consequence Frequency Required Mitigated Consequence Frequency
Required PIF PFD Required Probability of Failure
Required PIF Risk Reduction Factor Risk Reduction Factor (RRF)
Unmitigated Consequence Frequency Unmitigated Consequence Frequency
Calculated SIL Selected SIL Level

Also, in V4., the Hazards Analysis Safeguard records is used to store the details of Independent Layer of Protection. Hence, when you upgrade to V4., Hazards Analysis Safeguards records are created by copying values from the Independent Layer of Protection records associated with the existing LOPA records. The Safeguards created are then associated with the corresponding LOPA.

Values in the Following Fields in the Independent Layer of Protection ... Copied to the following fields in the associated Hazards Analysis Safeguard
IPL ID Safeguard ID
Type IPL Type

In V4., for each Safeguard, IPL Checklist records are created to store your selection for the criteria that are used to determine if a Safeguard is an IPL. When you upgrade to V4., for each previously existing Independent Layer of Protection record, IPL Checklist records are created and associated with the corresponding Safeguard in V4.

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