Modify APM Sync Config

When you perform a sync operation in the APM Mobile Framework, the device connects to the APM Sync Server, which in turn connects to the specified GE Digital APM Application Server and logs in to the data source defined in the file MeridiumSync.config. Security User credentials are required for logging in to the data source.

Before you can perform a sync operation, you will need to define the following settings on the APM Sync Server:

To specify these settings, you will need to modify the MeridiumSync.Config file via the APM System Administration tool on the APM Sync Server machine.

The following instructions provide details on defining the GE Digital APM server, data source, and Sync Services Security User credentials in the MeridiumSync.config file. These instructions assume that you have:


  1. Access the GE Digital APM System Administration Tool.

  2. In the Configuration section, select Meridium Sync Config link.

    The contents of the MeridiumSync.Config file appear in the Meridium Sync Config Changes section.

    By default, the Server box contains the name of the machine on which you are currently working.

  3. In the Server box, enter the name of the APM Server machine that you want to use with Sync Services.
  4. In the Data Source box, enter the name of the GE Digital APM data source to which you want to log in. This data source must be configured on the Application Server machine defined in the Server box.

    Note: This value is case-sensitive. You must define the data source name using the same case that is used in Data Source Manager.

  5. In the User Name box, enter the User ID of the GE Digital APM Security User that you want to use for logging in to the data source identified in the Data Source box.
  6. In the Password box, enter the password associated with the GE Digital APM Security User identified in the User Name box. This password will be encrypted in the file.
  7. At the bottom of the APM System Administration window, select Save.

    Your changes are saved to the MeridiumSync.config file.

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