About Operating Costs

Operating Costs that cannot be imported can be created manually in the Cost Data grid. Blank Rows can be added to create a cost, as well as known interval costs and distributed costs.

Blank Rows

Blank rows provide the option to add costs to the grid and apply them the applicable period(s).

Known Interval/Cost

Known interval cost data provides the ability for you to track the ongoing costs that occur on a regular basis.

For example, a fleet of trucks have their air filters changed every 6 months. Air filter maintenance can be logged in the cost data grid by adding a Known Interval/cost and continued every 6 months for the life of the truck.

Distributed Costs

Distributed costs can be added where the user has the option to specify the distribution type and distribution parameters. The application of these costs will distribute the mean cost over all periods within the scenario based upon the shape of the distribution that was specified.

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