The Revision History feature allows you to manage the revisions made for an entire LOPA analysis. When you perform a LOPA analysis, you link records from multiple families to the LOPA, which represents the entire analysis. When you complete an analysis (i.e., the analysis has been approved), you will change the state of the LOPA to Complete. When you do so, a snapshot of the LOPA and each record linked to it is saved as a LOPA Revision record.
In other words, after the record state for the LOPA is changed to Complete, one Revision record is created for each record that is linked to the LOPA. Records for the following families are created:
A Revision family contains all the fields that are in the source family. Each Revision record stores the values for all the fields in the source record as it appeared when the state of the LOPA was changed to Complete.
If you re-evaluate the LOPA, and then change the state of the LOPA to Complete, a second set of Revision records will be created, and so on. The number of revisions performed on the LOPA appears in the upper-right corner of the LOPA Summary workspace for the LOPA, which you can select to access the Revision History. When you select the Show Changes button for a record, a list of values in the preceding revision record and a list of values for all the fields that were modified (i.e., values in the latest revision record) are displayed.
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