Hazards Analysis Records

Hazards Analysis records store details about the hazards analysis that you are conducting. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Hazards Analysis family and appear on the Hazards Analysis datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.


Data Type Description Behavior and Usage

Analysis Description


A brief description for the analysis.


Analysis End Date


The date on which the analysis will end or has ended.

On the datasheet, this field contains a button, which you can select to access the Calendar feature. The date in this field must be later than the date in the Analysis Start Date field, or an error message will appear.

When you copy a Hazards Analysis, the value in this field is not copied.

Analysis ID


The ID for the analysis.

A value is required and must be unique.

Analysis Objective


A description of the goals for the analysis.


Analysis Owner


The analysis team member whose name appears in the Process Owner field.

The value for this field is based on the process owner that you have defined in the team. To change this value, modify the team members by assigning a new person as the process owner.

Analysis Purpose


A description of the purpose of the analysis.


Analysis Scope


The scope of the analysis. This can be (but not limited to) geographic boundaries or process-related boundaries.


Analysis Start Date


The date on which the analysis will begin or has already begun.

This field contains a button, which you can select to access the Calendar feature. This date must be earlier than the date in the Analysis End Date field, or an error message will appear.

When you copy or create a Hazards Analysis, this field is populated with the current date in the new record.

Analysis Type


The type of analysis that you are conducting (HAZOP or What If ).

This field does not appear on the datasheet by default. This field is disabled and populated automatically.



The name of analysis team member who is specified as the Facilitator.

This field does not appear on the datasheet by default.

Is Deleted


Indicates whether the Hazards Analysis has been removed from searches within the Hazards Analysis module.

This field does not appear on the datasheet by default. This check box is selected automatically when you flag a Hazards Analysis as complete. This value is used by the GE Digital APM system, so you should not modify it manually.

Last Modified By


The name of the user who was logged in when the Hazards Analysis was last modified.

This field is disabled and populated automatically. When you copy a Hazards Analysis, the value in this field is not copied.

Last Modified Date


The date on which the Hazards Analysis was last modified.

This field is disabled and populated automatically. When you copy a Hazards Analysis, the value in this field is not copied.

Next Reevaluation Date


The date on which the Hazards Analysis should be re-evaluated.

This field is disabled, and calculated as follows:

Next Reevaluation Date = Revision Date + Reevaluation Interval

Process Description


A longer description of the process that you are studying.


Process Life Cycle Phase


The phase within the life cycle for the process that you are analyzing.

This field contains the description of all System Codes in the MI_HAZARDS_ANALYSIS_LIFE_CYCLE_PHASE System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Design and Development

  • Construction and Startup

  • Operate and Maintain

  • Decommissioning

Process Owner


The name of the analysis team member who is specified as the Process Owner.

This field does not appear on the datasheet by default and is populated when you assign the role of a Process Owner to a Team Member. This value is populated in the Analysis Owner field.

Process Type


A brief description of the process that you are studying.


Reevaluation Interval


The number of years between evaluations of the Hazards Analysis.

Enter the value that is prescribed by the applicable governing body.

Revision Date


The date and time on which the revision of the Hazards Analysis was created.

This field is disabled and populated with the date and time of the most recent revision. When you copy a Hazards Analysis, this field is populated with the current date and time in the new record.

Revision Number


A number that represents the number of times the Hazards Analysis state has been changed to Complete. This field contains the value 0 by default.

On the datasheet, this field is disabled and populated. Each time you cycle the Hazards Analysis state from Planning to Complete, the value in this field is incremented by 1.

When you copy a Hazards Analysis, this field is populated with 0 in the new record.

Site Description


A description of the site that is specified in the Site ID field.

This field does not appear on the datasheet by default. This value is populated when you select a site ID in the Site ID field.

Site ID


The ID of the site that is associated with the Hazards Analysis.

This field contains the values stored in the Name field in Site Reference records. The value that you select in the list is used to identify which risk matrix to display when you create Risk Assessment records in Hazards Analysis. If this field is blank, the default risk matrix will be used.



A summary of the analysis that was conducted.


Unit Description


A description of the unit that is specified in the Unit ID field.

This field does not appear on the datasheet by default.

Unit ID


The ID for the unit that is associated with the processes for which you are conducting a Hazards Analysis.


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