Add a Hyperlink to a Graph

To add a hyperlink to a graph, you must access the query that is used to generate the graph. This topic describes how to add an internal URL or an external URL that you have configured in the query that is used to generate the graph.


  1. Access the graph for which you want to add a hyperlink.

    Tip: You can also access a graph from the Catalog.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select .

    The Settings pane appears.

    The Graph section of the Settings pane

  3. Select the Series tab.

    The Series section appears.

  4. In the Pick an axis box, select the axis to which you want to apply a hyperlink.
  5. In the Hyperlink box, select the hyperlink that you want to add to the axis that you have selected.

    The hyperlink is added to the graph.

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