GAA Performance Fuel

GAA Performance Fuel records store information about the fields that are defined for the GAA Performance Fuel family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the GAA Performance Fuel family and appear on the Fuel datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. The values in these fields are defined by NERC in the GADS DRI and CEA in the Generation Equipment Status ERIS. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Note: Wherever we refer to the unit, we mean the unit represented by the GAA Unit record to which the Performance record is linked.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage
Ash Softening Temperature Numeric Indicates the ash softening temperature for a primary or secondary fuel.

You can enter a value manually.

Average Heat Content Numeric For a primary fuel, indicates the heat content in BTUs per unit of measure stored in the corresponding Quantity Burned Unit of Measure field.

You can enter a value manually.

Fuel Code Character Indicates the fuel code for the fuel used by the GAA Unit.

This field is populated automatically with the value in the Primary Fuel Code or Secondary Fuel Code field in the GAA Unit record. Based on the Regulatory Organization to which the data will be reported, the GAA Unit record is linked to the Performance record.

This field is required.

Grindability Index Numeric Indicates the grindability index of a given fuel type.

You can select a value from the drop-down list.

For NERC, this field is enabled only if the value in the Fuel Code field indicates coal, peat, or lignite as the fuel.

Percent Alkalines Numeric Indicates the average sodium and potassium content for a given fuel type.

This field is enabled only if the value in the Fuel Code field indicates coal, peat, or lignite as the fuel.

Percent Ash Numeric Indicates the average ash content for a fuel.

This field is enabled only if the value in the Fuel Code field indicates coal, peat, or lignite as the fuel.

Percent Moisture Numeric Indicates the average moisture content for a fuel.

This field is enabled only if the value in the Fuel Code field indicates coal, peat, or lignite as the fuel.

Percent Sulfur Numeric Indicates the average sulfur content for a fuel.

This field is enabled only if the value in the Fuel Code field indicates coal, peat, or lignite as the fuel.

Quantity Burned Numeric For fuel, indicates the amount of fuel that was consumed by the unit during the month for which the Performance record stores generation data.

The value in this field is used to calculate the value in the Energy Source Consumption field in GAA Fuel Report records that are linked to the Performance record.

Type of Performance Character Indicates whether the Performance record includes OMC events or not This field does not appear on the datasheet.


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