RCM FMEA Recommendation Records

This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RCM FMEA Recommendation family and appear on its datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage
Asset ID Character The ID for the asset associated with the recommendation. This field's value is automatically populated.
Asset Shutdown Required? Boolean Indicates whether or not the asset must be physically shut down after implementing the action. Select the check box to flag for an equipment shutdown after the action is applied.
Business Impact List Indicates the scope of impact for carrying out the recommendation.

This field contains a list of the following values:

  • Plant
  • Unit
  • System
  • Equipment

Select the value that defines the level of impact to carry out the recommendation.

Comments Text Any additional information pertaining to the recommendation. N/A
Create Work Request? Boolean Indicates whether or not a work request should be generated for this recommendation. Select the check box if you want a work request to be automatically generated for this recommendation.
Recommendation Description Text A description for the recommendation. N/A
Recommendation Headline Character The title of the recommendation record. This is a required field.
Recommendation ID Character A unique ID for the recommendation. This field's value is automatically populated.
Target Completion Date Date/Time Target date for the recommendation's action to be executed. Use the date/time selectors to select the date and time by which the action must be executed.
Technical Number Character The technical number for the associated asset of the recommendation. This field's value is automatically populated.
Work Request Equipment Text The specific equipment associated with the work request. This field's value is automatically populated.
Work Request Functional Location Text The specific functional location associated with the work request. This field's value is automatically populated.
Work Request Reference Text The reference ID for the work request. This field's value is automatically populated.
Action Information
***Failure Finding Activity*** See an explanation of the Failure Finding Activity cell values.
Action Type List The type of action associated with the recommendation.

This field contains a list of the following values:

  • Time-Based Maintenance (Preventative) (PM)
  • Condition-Based Maintenance (Predictive) (CM)
  • Redesign (DSN)
  • Procedure (PROC)
  • Training (TRN)
  • Failure Finding (FF)

Select the action type from the corresponding action. The values are driven by system code table MI_ACTION_TYPE.

Display FFI Units As List The unit used to indicate the FFI value. N/A
Estimated Cost Numeric The estimated cost for carrying out the action. Enter the numeric value for the estimate cost of implementing the recommendation.
Estimated Cost Basis Text An explanation for the estimated cost of carrying out the action. N/A
FFI Numeric Indicates frequency of failure finding tasks. N/A
Interval Numeric The number of the interval unit corresponding to how often the action should be performed. This value corresponds with Interval Units to give the complete frequency with which the action should be performed.
Interval Units List The unit of the interval corresponding to how often the action should be performed. This value corresponds with Interval to give the complete frequency with which the action should be performed.
Nonrecurring Boolean Indicates whether the action should be on a recurring basis or only once. Select the check box if you only want the action performed once instead of on a recurring basis.
Performance Interval Numeric Reference value for the interval of the performance of the action. The values in the Performance Interval field is not used in any calculations in ASM. You can use them as reference values, but no logic is executed based on the values. All calculations that require an interval are based on the values in the Interval field and the Interval Units field.
Performance Interval Units List Reference value for the interval units of the performance of the action. The values in the Performance Interval Units field is not used in any calculations in ASM. You can use them as reference values, but no logic is executed based on the values. All calculations that require an interval are based on the values in the Interval field and the Interval Units field.
Recommended Resource Text/List A custom entry for a resource to execute action. Use the drop-down list and enter text into the add caption box that corresponds to the custom resource.
Use Calculated FFI Results Boolean Indicates whether or not you want to use the calculated FFI results. N/A

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