
IMPORTANT: GE Digital does not support any modifications made to database tables directly or via third-party tools. Do not write data directly into or change data in database tables through any third-party tool.

Only access, add, or modify data related to GE Digital products via approved GE Digital procedures and processes. Accessing, adding, or modifying data by any other method may result in data corruption, and may void your GE Digital product warranty. For more information, consult a member of the GE Digital Professional Services department.

A family is an organizational unit that helps classify data in the database. GE Digital APM uses two types of families:

Each family has a corresponding table in the database. Family tables are used to store all the data belonging to a given family, and each row in a family table corresponds to a record in that family.

GE Digital APM provides many families, both entity families and relationship families, in the baseline GE Digital APM database. You can also create your own families. The power behind families lies in their flexibility. You can create as many families as you need to categorize all of your records. In addition, you can assign families whatever names are appropriate for classifying the type of data that they will store for your organization.

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