About GE Digital APM and the Data Loaders

When loading data into GE Digital APM, it is important to understand how GE Digital APM treats data, and the subsequent impact on data loads.

GE Digital APM Rules and the Data Loaders

GE Digital APM creates records based on the rules for that family. Therefore the data that is loaded into GE Digital APM via the Data Loaders are also subject to the same rules. This could result in blank Equipment records with no data if the rules for the family do not require data. Similarly there is no restriction on key fields having to contain a value other than what is required by the rules.

For example, the baseline Equipment family does not have any fields that are marked as required in the rules, so when using the data loaders, equipment records are created even with only one field populated in the worksheet. If you only populated Maintenance Plant on the APM data loader spreadsheet, then an equipment records would be created with only maintenance plant and no other identifying information.

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