About the Thickness Monitoring (TM) Data Loaders General Loading Strategy

This topic describes the best practices to loading the data and the order in which the data will be loaded.

Best Practices

Load Sequence

The data must be loaded in the following sequence to successfully populate fields, create records, and link them to the predecessor and successor records:

  1. The Assets or the Functional_Location worksheet is processed.

    If you are using the Thickness Monitoring (TM) Equipment Data Loader, then it searches for the Equipment that corresponds to the Equipment ID, CMMS System, and Equipment Technical Number information that you provide on the Assets worksheet. If you are using the Thickness Monitoring (TM) Functional Location Data Loader, then it searches for the Functional Location that corresponds to the Functional Location ID and CMMS System information that you provide on the Functional_Location worksheet.

    If an Asset specified on the worksheet does not exist, it will not be loaded. In addition, the TML Groups and TMLs linked to the Asset are not loaded.

  2. The Asset_CAS or the Functional_Location_CAS worksheet is processed.

    If you have entered values in all the mandatory cells and if the details of an Asset on this worksheet match the details on the Assets or the Functional_Location worksheet, then:

    If you do not enter values (in cells other than the mandatory ones) on this worksheet, then default values are used.

  3. The TML_Group worksheet is processed. For each TML Group, if the details of the Asset on the TML_Group worksheet match the details on the Assets or the Functional_Location worksheet, then a TML Group record is created, and linked to the Asset using the Has TML Group relationship.
  4. The TML_Group_CAS worksheet is processed. For each TML Group:
  5. The TML worksheet is processed.
  6. The TML_CAS worksheet is processed. For each TML:

  7. The Measurements worksheet is processed. For each row on this worksheet, a Thickness Measurement record is created (or updated), and linked to the TML using the Has Measurements relationship.

    Note: For a given TML, if two or more rows contain the same value in the Measurement Date field, then only one Measurement record is created. The fields in that record are populated with values in the last row among them.

After you load the data, the updated assets appear in the Assets and Assets Requiring a Calculation sections on the Thickness Monitoring Overview page. You must calculate all the analyses that you have loaded because they are not calculated automatically after you load the data.

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