About the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Corrosion Loop Data Loader General Loading Strategy

Best Practices

When importing data using the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Corrosion Loop Data Loader, you must use the following best practices:

Load Sequence

The RBI Corrosion Loop data load is performed in a specific sequence to create all necessary relationships between records:

Note: Prior to deploying the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Corrosion Loop Data Loader, the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader must be implemented. The Corrosion Loop Data Loader uses the values in the Functional Location field, the Corrosion Loop field, the Equipment field, and the Component field to look up the associated component record and to link said RBI Component to a Corrosion Loop. . For RBI Components to be linked to a Corrosion Loop, the RBI Components must already exist and be present in the Components worksheet. If RBI Components do not exist, the Corrosion Loop Data Loader will create or update Corrosion Loop data, but it will not have any associated RBI Components.

  1. The Corrosion Loops worksheet is processed. An existing Functional Location will be looked up based on the Functional Location (MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C) and the RBI Corrosion Loop ID (MI_RBI_SYSTEM_RBI_SYS_ID_C).

    If a Corrosion Loop specified on the worksheets exists, it will be updated. If a Corrosion Loop cannot be found, then a new Corrosion Loop will be created.

  2. The RBI Components worksheet is processed. An existing RBI Component is looked up based on the Equipment ID (MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C), the Equipment Technical Number (MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C), the Component (MI_RBICOMPO_COMPO_C) and the Component Type (MI_RBICOMPO_COMPO_TYPE_C). If found, that RBI Component will be linked to the specified Corrosion Loop (MI_RBI_SYSTEM_RBI_SYS_ID_C). If no RBI Components exist, this worksheet is skipped.

    If the RBI Component is specified in the worksheet, but that RBI Component cannot be looked up, an error is added to the log.

  3. The Reference Document worksheet is processed. The Corrosion Loop will be looked up by the Functional Location (MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_C), the RBI Corrosion Loop (MI_RBI_SYSTEM_RBI_SYS_ID_C), and the Reference Document ID (CTIT_ID).

    If a Reference Document specified on the worksheet exists, it will be updated. If a Reference Document cannot be found, than a new Reference Document will be created.

Data that you specify in the field on each worksheet will be included in the new records.

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