About the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders Requirements

This documentation assumes that your organization has fully completed the deployment of the Inspection Management module. The Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders should only be used after the Inspection Management module has been implemented, and you have defined Site References, Functional Locations, and assets (Equipment records) for your organization.

Human Resources and Resource Roles

The Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders expect that individuals in your organization who will be performing and reviewing Inspections have one or more of the following Resource Role records linked to their Human Resource records:

Certain privileges are required to complete a data load based on to whether inspections are (Active or Archived and the Status of the inspection Draft, Pending Approval, or Approved). Persons belonging to either the MI Inspection or the Data Loader User Security Group must:

... have the following Resource Role(s): ...with inspections that are: ...and inspections in the following Status: Notes
None Active Draft None
Inspector Active Pending Approval None
Inspector and Inspection Supervisor Archived Approved The Inspection Lock and the Final Inspection Lock are set to true.

Security Settings

The Security User performing the data load operation must be associated with either the MI Data Loader User or MI Data Loader Admin Security Role, and must also be associated with the MI Inspection Security Group, or a Security Role that is associated with this Security Group.

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