This section provides a high-level overview and explanation of how the data loader workbook is constructed.
In order to import data using the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader, GE Digital provides an Excel workbook that must be used to perform the data load.
The following table lists the worksheets that are included in the MI_AH_Entity_Dataloader.xlsx workbook.
Worksheet | Description |
Configuration | The Configuration worksheet is needed to describe the type of data that you will be loading and how that data should be handled during the data load. |
AHEntity | Where you specify the actual Asset Hierarchy entities that you want to load. |
LinkAHEntitytoEntity | Where you can connect an Asset Hierarchy entity to another Asset Hierarchy entity. |
LinkAHEntitytoFL | Where you can connect an Asset Hierarchy entity to a Functional Location, Equipment, or some other asset concept defined by the Family Management settings. |
Each worksheet in the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader workbook contains field values that can be mapped to the appropriate GE Digital APM family/field.
The Configuration worksheet tells the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader what types of data are being loaded and how the data is to be loaded, and is standard for all data loads regardless of the type of data that you are loading. The following table outlines the options that are valid or the values that are expected in each of the columns on the Configuration worksheet.
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type | Potential Value(s) | Comments |
Load Data From Worksheet | LOAD_DATA_WORKSHEET | Boolean |
The value in this column will determine whether or not the data should be loaded from the worksheet. |
Data Worksheet ID | DATA_WORKSHEET_ID | Character |
This column contains the name of the worksheet where the actual data is located. It needs to have the same name as the worksheet in the data loader workbook. |
Batch Filter Column | BATCH_FILTER_COL_ID | Character |
When the data is loaded into GE Digital APM, it is processed in a series of batches. This column contains the Data Column ID that will be used for the batching of the data. All of the records will be grouped together by the unique values in the column specified in the worksheet. This column must also be the first column that exists in the worksheet. It must be the Column ID, which is in the second row on the worksheet and not the Field ID. |
Primary Family ID | PRIMARY_FAMILY_ID | Character |
Depending on the type of data that you are working with, this will contain the Relationship Family ID or the Entity Family ID. You can also allow the data in source file to determine the Family ID by encapsulating the Field ID that contains the Family ID data in brackets (<>). For example if in the worksheet there is a column with an ID of PRIMARY_FAMILY_ID, where each row contains the corresponding Family ID, then in this column you should put the value of <PRIMARY_FAMILY_ID>. If the Family ID in the GE Digital metadata contains spaces, then you have to use this feature. |
Primary Family Key Fields | PRIMARY_FAMILY_KEY_FIELDS | Character |
This column contains the Field IDs associated with the Primary Family that are used to uniquely identify a record. If more than one field is to be used, then each Field ID needs to be separated by a | (Pipe) character. In the case where you are loading data into a relationship, if no keys fields exist or are used, use the <none> constant. If the Primary Action is ACTION_INSERTONLY, then no key fields need to be specified, so you can use the <none> constant. |
Family Type | FAMILY_TYPE |
The value is this column should be Entity or Relationship depending on the type of data that is being loaded. | |
Predecessor Family ID | PRED_FAMILY_ID | Character |
When the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the Entity Family ID that is the predecessor in the relationship. Otherwise, it should contain the <none> constant. You can also use the data in each of the rows to determine the Predecessor Family ID. |
Predecessor Family Key Fields | PRED_FAMILY_KEY_FIELDS | Character |
This column contains the Field ID or IDs associated with the Predecessor Family that are used to uniquely identify the predecessor record. If more than one field is to be used, then each Field ID needs to be separated by a | (Pipe) character. If the Predecessor Action is ACTION_INSERTONLY, then no key fields need to be specified, so you can use the <none> constant. |
Successor Family ID | SUCC_FAMILY_ID | Character |
When the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the Entity Family ID that is the successor in the relationship. Otherwise, it should contain the <none> constant. You can also use the data in each of the rows to determine the Successor Family ID. |
Successor Family Key Fields | SUCC_FAMILY_KEY_FIELDS | Character |
This column contains the Field ID or IDs associated with the Successor Family that are used to uniquely identify the successor record. If more than one field is to be used, then each Field ID needs to be separated by a | (Pipe) character. If the Successor Action is ACTION_INSERTONLY, then no key fields need to be specified, so you can use the <none> constant. |
Primary Action | PRIMARY_ACTION | Character |
The value in this column will determine the action that will be applied to the Primary Family records. If the Family Type is Entity, then the possible values are:
Deleting a record and purging a record will both delete the current record, the difference being that the purge action will delete the record and all of the links or relationships tied to that record. The delete action will simple attempt to delete the record, and if it is related to another record, the delete will fail. If The Family Type is Relationship, then the possible values are:
Predecessor Action | PRED_ACTION | Character |
The value in this column will determine the action that will be applied to the Predecessor Family records. The possible values are:
If The Family Type is Entity then the value needs to be:
Successor Action | SUCC_ACTION | Character |
The value in this column will determine the action that will be applied to the Successor Family records. The possible values are:
If The Family Type is Entity then the value needs to be:
Insert with Null Values? | OPTION_INSERT_ON_NULL | Boolean |
When setting field values on a new record, if a value coming across is NULL, the field values will be set to NULL if this option is set to True. |
Update with Null Values? | OPTION_UPDATE_ON_NULL | Boolean |
When setting field values on an existing record, if a value coming across is NULL, the field values will be set to NULL if this option is set to True. |
Replace an Existing Link? | OPTION_REPLACE_EXISTING_LINK | Boolean |
The Replace Existing Relationship option is used to determine how a relationship is to be maintained by its cardinality definition. For example, the relationship Location Contains Asset that is defined in the Configuration Manager. It has a cardinality defined as Zero or One to Zero or One, has a Location LP-2300, and contains the Asset P-2300. If, in the data load, you assign the Asset P-5000 to be contained in the Location LP-2300, and you have set the Replace Existing Link property to True, then the data loader will link P-5000 to LP-2300 and unlink P-2300 from LP-2300. This assumes that P-5000 is not currently linked to another location. The same is true for a relationship that is defined as Zero or One to Zero or Many, or Zero or Many to Zero or One. |
Allow Change of Family? | OPTION_ALLOW_CHANGE_OF_FAMILY | Boolean |
Allows the data loader to move an entity from one family to another. For example, this would allow an entity that is currently assigned to the Centrifugal Pump family to be moved to the Reciprocating Pump family. All relationships will be maintained as long as the family to which the entity is being moved allows the same relationships. Note: Because of the extra processing required, by selecting this option, the interface performance will decrease. |
Process Each Row as a Transaction? | OPTION_TRANSACTION_PER_ROW | Boolean |
When this value is set to True, each row in the spreadsheet is committed before the next row is processed. If this is set to False, then all of the records in the batch are processed in one transaction. In general, you will get better performance when processing data in a batch, assuming that the data being loaded is clean, meaning that the vast majority of records will not be rejected. |
The following table outlines the options that are valid or the values that are expected in each of the columns on the Asset Hierarchy worksheet.
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type | Potential Value(s) | Comments |
Entity Parent ID | MI_AH_ENTY_PRINT_ID_C | Character |
This is the unique identifier of the parent value that you want to link to your entity. |
Entity ID | MI_AH_ENTY_ID_C | Character |
This is the unique identifier for the entity that you are adding to the worksheet. |
Entity Name | MI_AH_ENTY_NAME_C | Character |
The name of the asset that you are adding to the worksheet. |
Site Reference | MI_SITE_NAME | Character |
The site reference associated with the entity. |
The following table outlines the options that are valid or the values that are expected in each of the columns on the Asset Hierarchy Entity to Entity worksheet.
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type | Potential Value(s) | Comments |
Parent ID | <PRED_FAMILY_ID>|MI_AH_ENTY_PRINT_ID_C | Character |
This is the unique identifier of the parent value that you want to link to your entity. |
Predecessor Family ID | PRED_FAMILY_ID | Character |
When the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the Entity Family ID that is the predecessor in the relationship. Otherwise, it should contain the <none> constant. You can also use the data in each of the rows to determine the Predecessor Family ID. |
Entity ID | <SUCC_FAMILY_ID>|MI_AH_ENTY_ID_C | Character |
The unique identifier of the asset that is being loaded into the Asset Hierarchy. |
Successor Family ID | SUCC_FAMILY | Character |
When the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the Entity Family ID that is the successor in the relationship. Otherwise, it should contain the <none> constant. You can also use the data in each of the rows to determine the Successor Family ID. |
The following table outlines the options that are valid or the values that are expected in each of the columns on the Asset Hierarchy Entity to Functional Location worksheet.
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type | Potential Value(s) | Comments |
Entity_ID | <PRED_FAMILY_ID>|MI_AH_ENTY_PRINT_ID_C | Character |
The unique identifier of the asset that is being loaded into the Asset Hierarchy. |
Predecessor Family ID | PRED_FAMILY_ID | Character |
When the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the Entity Family ID that is the predecessor in the relationship. Otherwise, it should contain the <none> constant. You can also use the data in each of the rows to determine the Predecessor Family ID. |
Functional Location | <SUCC_FAMILY_ID>|MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_C | Character |
The location of the asset that you are loading into the Asset Hierarchy. |
Successor Family ID | SUCC_FAMILY | Character |
When the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the Entity Family ID that is the successor in the relationship. Otherwise, it should contain the <none> constant. You can also use the data in each of the rows to determine the Successor Family ID. |
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