About the ACA Data Loader Load Verification


After each spreadsheet is loaded:

  1. Review the data loader log to identify any errors or warnings.
  2. Update the data loader workbook to correct any errors, and then re-import.
  3. Repeat until the import of each record is error free.


In order to test that data has loaded successfully, use the following steps:

Note: It is recommended that a query is executed in GE Digital APM on the relevant Family to ensure that records have been created and populated as expected. Imported records should also be checked in Asset Criticality Analysis to ensure that the expected relationships have been created.

Perform end-to-end workflow testing on a sample of loaded data as follows:

  1. Log in to GE Digital APM.
  2. On the left navigation menu, select Health, and then select Asset Criticality Analysis.

    The Asset Criticality Analysis Home page appears.

  3. Select the Analysis tab.

    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of Analyses. The uploaded data should appear in this list.

  4. Select an Analysis ID corresponding to the uploaded data.

    The Analysis Summary page opens at the Overview tab.

  5. Check that the summary data appears as expected.
  6. Select the Analysis Definition tab.
  7. Check that the definition fields appear as expected.
  8. Select one System tab on the left hand panel.

    The System page appears on the Overview tab.

  9. Check that the system overview data appears as expected.
  10. Select the System Definition tab.
  11. Check that the system definition fields appear as expected.
  12. Select the Risk tab.
  13. Check that the total risk, driving risk and individual risk scores appear as expected.
  14. Select the Risk Widget to open the Risk Matrix page.
  15. Check that the Risk Matrix page opens and that individual risk category scores are as expected.
  16. Select the Cancel button to close the Risk Matrix page.
  17. Select one Asset tab in the left hand panel.

    The Asset page opens at the Risk tab.

  18. Check that the total risk, driving risk and individual risk scores appear as expected.
  19. Select the Risk Widget to open the Risk Matrix page.
  20. Check that the Risk Matrix page opens and that individual risk category scores are as expected.
  21. Select the Cancel button to close the Risk Matrix page.
  22. Repeat the steps 8 to step 21 to check for the uploaded ACA System records.

  23. Repeat the steps 3 to step 21 to check for the uploaded ACA records.

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