Display and Sort Preferences on Risk and Action Cards


  1. Access the Action or Risk Card Admin section.

  2. Configure display settings for graphic elements and fields and enable sorting by fields using the Display and Sortable check boxes. The check boxes make the following results on the risk or action cards:

    Changes made to the display preferences are reflected in the Card Preview section. There are two card previews each for the Risks and Actions tabs: one displaying the risk or action and the other displaying the mitigating action or mitigated risk in the context of the risk or action. Some fields that you add, namely those beginning with Action Mitigated, are only applicable to the mitigated/mitigating card (e.g., Action Mitigated Financial Risk and Action Mitigated Risk Rank).

  3. Select .

    Your changes are saved, and the modified values will now reflect on the Risks and Actions page for asset strategies.

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