Add a Production Profile


  1. Access the Production Unit to which you want to add a Production Profile.

  2. Select the Production Profile tab.

    The Definition subsection appears.

  3. In the Production Profile section, select .

    The Production Profile datasheet appears.

  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.

  5. Select .

    The Production Profile datasheet is saved.

    The Warning window appears, asking you to add a margin value, which is required to calculate production losses.

  6. The Margins datasheet appears.

  7. Enter a Margin ID and Margin Value in the corresponding columns.

  8. In the Default (Yes/No) column, select Yes or No.

    Note: Only one Margin can be set as the default.

  9. Select .

    The Production Profile is added to the Production Unit.


The Production Profile is saved and linked to the:

Note: A row is added to the list in the Production Profile section, displaying the ID of the new Production Profile.

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