The ability to create an Asset Group based on a query allows a user to apply an analysis to a dynamic group of assets (i.e., equipment, functional locations, and RBI components). When a user bases a new Asset Group on a query, the Asset Group is dynamic in that it is subject to change as assets change with respect to the query's parameters.
Every time you access an Asset Group that is based on a query, the query is freshly run. For example, the day you create an Asset Group using a query, the query it is based on may populate it with 10 assets. If you were to access the same Asset Group a month later, the query would run afresh and may populate the Asset Group with more or fewer than 10, depending on the number of assets that will meet the query's parameters the second time around.
If you want to run a static query that is populated with specific assets, you need to provide an entity key. The entity key should be provided in the first column of your query, in the ENTY_KEY column.
Additionally, when you apply an analysis to an Asset Group that is based on a query, the Asset Group is no longer dynamic. Instead, the assets returned by the base query at the time when you apply the analysis are the exact assets for which that analysis will always apply.
Lastly, you cannot modify Asset Groups that are based on queries. You must simply create a new Asset Group.
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