The automatic data loader job uses directories within the directory identified in the SCAN_DIR parameter to identify the data loader to use for a particular workbook.
The following table lists the directories that are created when the job starts that correspond to the various data loaders.
Data Loader Name | Directory Name |
APM Family | ManageAPM |
Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) | ACADataLoader |
Asset Ingestion Loader | AssetIngestionLoader |
Asset Strategy Management (ASM) | ManageASM |
Asset Strategy Management (ASM) Templates | ManageAssetStrategyTemplate |
Calibration | Calibration Loader |
Custom Asset Hierarchy | Custom Asset Hierarchy Loader |
Equipment and Functional Location | ManageEquipmentAndFunctionalLocation |
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) | ManageRCMFMEA |
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Analysis Templates | ManageFMEAAnalysisTemplate |
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Asset Templates | ManageFMEAAssetTemplate |
Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) Amplification Codes | GAA GADS Amplification Code |
Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) Cause Code | GAA GADS Cause Code |
Geographic Information System (GIS) | GISDataLoader |
Hazards | Hazards Loader |
Inspection Management (IM) Assets | ManageInspections |
Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location | ManageInspectionsFL |
Production Loss Analysis (PLA) | Load PLA |
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) | ManageRCM |
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 | ManageRBI580 |
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 581 | ManageRBI581 |
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Corrosion Loop | Load RBI Corrosion Loop |
Role | RoleDataLoader |
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) | Manage RCA |
Rounds Allowable Values | Rounds Allowable Value |
Rounds Readings | Rounds Readings |
Rounds Routes | Rounds Route |
Rounds Templates | Rounds MLTG |
Tags to Assets Relationship | ManageTagLinks |
Taxonomy | ManageTaxonomy |
Thickness Monitoring (TM) Equipment | ManageTMLGroup |
Thickness Monitoring (TM) Functional Location | ManageTMLGroupFL |
Work History | ManageWorkHistory |
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