In the Logging Level box, use the drop-down to select one of the following logging levels:
Debug: The default logging level, and the highest level of logging. Selecting debug will return the most details and is helpful when trying to debug the application.
Info: Returns information message indicating the progress of the application, and is the second highest level of logging.
Warn: Returns warnings detected during the loading process.
Error: The lowest level of logging returning errors only.
Logging levels are hierarchical. For example, if you select Info, you will see all warnings and errors. If you select Error, you will only see errors.
If you are loading a large amount of data, you should use logging level Warn or Error to improve performance, unless debugging a problem.
Select Save.
The record is saved.
Once the record is saved, subsequent data loads will return log files with the logging level you determined. The logging level will only apply to future data loads. Meaning if you change the level from Error to Warn historic log files will not be updated with more details. It will only apply to new data loads.