Specifies an ODBC connection string to connect to an ODBC driver.
object.ODBCConnectionString[= String]
The ODBCConnectionString property syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
object |
An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. |
String |
An ODBC connection string that connects to an ODBC driver; for example: Driver={SQL Server};Server=QALAB15;Database=Northwind;' The connection string replaces the ODBC data source name. |
Use this property if the UseODBCConnectionString property is set to True. An example connection string for the SQL Server appears above. Below are example connection strings for a Microsoft Access Driver and the Oracle Server driver:
Microsoft Access Driver
Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.MDB)};DBQ=C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PDB\accessarchiver.mdb;
Oracle Driver
Driver={Microsoft ODBC For Oracle};Server=OTTO;