Environment Protection Tab - User Preferences Dialog Box

The Environment Protection tab of the User Preferences dialog box displays the following items:

Enable Run Time Environment Protection

Select this check box to enable environment protection for the local node.  When enabled, you can select the specific options that you want to restrict access to. These options take effect when you switch to the run-time environment.  

WorkSpace Title and Menu Options



Disable Title Bar And Menu Bar

Select this check box to hide the WorkSpace menu bar and title bar at run-time.  

NOTE: In Ribbon view, if this option is selected, the Title Bar takes on the appearance of Classic view, rather than Ribbon view.

Enable ALT+F4

When the WorkSpace title bar is disabled, there is no way to shut down the WorkSpace application in run mode. Select this check box to allow the use of the ALT+F4 keyboard shortcut to shut down the WorkSpace in run mode when the WorkSpace title bar is disabled. The logged-in user must have the Enable Task Switching and Workspace Runtime Exit security features enabled.

Disable Menu Bar

Select this check box to disable the WorkSpace menu bar at run-time.

Disable "WorkSpace" Menu Pulldown

Select this check box to disable the WorkSpace menu at run-time.


  • When WorkSpace is running with the Ribbon in full screen mode and you enable the  Run Time Environment Protection and Disable Title bar and Menu Bar options, the Ribbon bar will be displayed when the Alt key is pressed. This will allow access to the Historical tab with Global Time Control. All other menus will be removed or disabled and the WorkSpace cannot be dragged, minimized, or closed using the Ribbon bar.
  • The historical tab with Global Time Control can be removed by modifying the DyanmicRibbon.ini file in the iFIX install ADDON folder and setting [StandardTabs] Historical=0. If the tab is removed and no other tabs are visible on the run mode Ribbon (because you also enabled the enable the  Run Time Environment Protection and Disable Title bar and Menu Bar options) , the Ribbon bar will not display when the Alt key is pressed.

WorkSpace File Menu Accelerators



Disable "WorkSpace" File Menu Accelerators

Select this check box to disable both the Open (Ctrl+O) and Print (Ctrl+P) WorkSpace file menu accelerators while in the Run-time environment.  

Disable Open Accelerator

Select this check box to disable the Open (Ctrl+O) WorkSpace file menu accelerator while in the Run-time environment.  

Disable Print Accelerator

Select this check box to disable the Print (Ctrl+P) WorkSpace file menu accelerator while in the Run-time environment.  

Other Options



Disable <Ctrl> <Alt> <Del>

Select this check box to disable the <Ctrl><Alt><Delete> key sequence at run-time, thereby restricting operators from accessing the Task Manager, changing their password, logging off, or shutting down the computer.  

Disable Task Switching

Select this check box to disable run-time task switching through <Alt><Tab> and the Start button.

NOTE: The Shift + F10 key macro does not work if you select this option.

Disable VBE Access

Select this check box to allow you to restrict access to the Visual Basic Editor at run-time.  If access is not restricted, the editor appears when a compilation or run-time error occurs, allowing you to correct the error.  When you restrict access, the iFIX WorkSpace suppresses the Visual Basic Editor even if an error occurs.  

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