Change Management Tab - User Preferences Dialog Box

The Change Management tab of the User Preferences dialog box displays the following items:

Enable Change Management Server Connection

Select this check box to if you want to enable iFIX to connect to the Change Management Server. With this option selected, right mouse menu items for Change Management become available in the iFIX WorkSpace.

NOTE: You cannot edit the fields in this dialog box if security is disabled, or after you connect to the Change Management Server.

Logon Info



Change Management Server

Enter the name of your Change Management Server. For instance, if your server is named MYSERVER, enter MYSERVER in this field.  

Test Connection

Click to test a connection to the Change Management Server.  After you supply login credentials for the Change Management Server, a message box appears indicating whether a connection can be made.  

NOTE: If you do not have iFIX security Change Management application privileges, you will receive an error message when you click Test Connection. For more information refer to the Overview of iFIX Configuration Steps in the Change Management and iFIX ebook.

Logon at WorkSpace Startup

Select this check box to log in to the Change Management Server when you start the iFIX WorkSpace.

Clear this check box if you only want to login to the Change Management Server from the right-click menu. (In the system tree, right-click the node name, select Manage, and then click Logon.)

TIP: If you have a very large iFIX project, it is recommended that you clear this check box. Otherwise, for large projects, it may take several extra minutes for the iFIX WorkSpace to start up.

Prompt For User Name And Password At Logon

Select this check box if you always want a dialog box requesting login credentials to appear when you logon to the Change Management Server.

Clear this check box if you want to allow for automatic logon.

NOTE: For an automatic logon to work, the user name and password must be identical on both the Change Management Server and in iFIX. If the user name and password does not match in both applications, or the iFIX user you are logged in as is not defined as a user on the Change Management Server (or vice versa), after an error message, the Logon dialog box appears, even with this check box cleared.

Change Management Project Name

Enter the name of the Change Management project folder you want to open after you logon.  Files you check out or check in will reside in this project folder.  

Require comments to check in and check out files

Select this check box if you want to require that the user enter a comment when checking out or checking in a file. If you require comments, the OK button (found in the Check Out and the Check In dialog boxes) does not become available until you enter a comment.

Electronic Signature Options



Perform Comments Table Name

Specifies the name of the table that contains predefined perform comments for the Electronic Signature dialog box used with Change Management actions in the iFIX WorkSpace.

This table name can be the same as the one you use for iFIX Performed By electronic signatures, as defined on the General tab. Or, you can enter another table with perform comments applicable only to the Change Management Server.

Create Default Perform Comments Table

Use this button to create a new table containing predefined perform comments for the Electronic Signature dialog box that appears with Change Management actions in the iFIX WorkSpace.    

Verify Comments Table Name

Specifies the name of the table that contains predefined verify comments for the Electronic Signature dialog box used with Change Management actions in the iFIX WorkSpace.

This table name can be the same as the one you use for iFIX Verfied By electronic signatures, as defined on the General tab. Or, you can enter another table with verify comments applicable only to the Change Management Server.  

Create Default Verify Comments Table

Use this button to create a new table containing predefined verify comments for the Electronic Signature dialog box that appears with Change Management verify actions in the iFIX WorkSpace.   


Select this option if no iFIX electronic signature is required to perform a Change Management function from the WorkSpace.  

Perform Only

Select this option if an iFIX Performed By electronic signature is required to perform a Change Management function from the WorkSpace (in addition to the Change Management Server login).  

Perform And Verify

Select this option if a Performed By and Verified By electronic signature is required by iFIX in order to perform a Change Management function from the iFIX WorkSpace (in addition to the Change Management Server login).  

Allow Continuous Use

Select this check box to allow the operator to repeatedly sign for successive actions by supplying only a password, when electronic signatures are enabled. Continuous use applies only to the person performing an action and does not affect the person verifying an action.