Using iFIX, you can share files among your nodes by placing these files on a file server and changing the local node's paths. The files you share depend on your configuration; you may want to share operator displays or schedules. Frequently, the alarm area database is shared to ensure that all SCADA servers have access to an identical set of alarm areas. Likewise, sharing your security files ensures that operators can log in from any node.
The path you specify for sharing files also depends on your configuration. You can specify any mapped network drive, such as Z:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\ALM.
NOTE: iFIX stores different types of files in the paths it uses. For example, the Picture path holds pictures, user globals, color tables, and named colors. Sharing this path gives access to all these files.
The iFIX pictures are not backwards compatible for earlier versions of iFIX. If you use multiple versions of iFIX, store your pictures locally or use a separate shared pictures path for each version of iFIX.