iFIX charts allow you to configure both the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axis so that you can customize your display. For example, let's say you want to plot an Analog Input block, AI1, with values ranging from 0 to 100 with a one-minute duration (represented as a red pen line with a rectangle marker). You also want to plot another Analog Input block, AI2, with values from 0 to 200 with a two-minute duration (represented as a blue pen line with an oval marker). You can view both plots at the same time and, if the chart is selectable, you can switch between pens by either clicking the plot line or by clicking the text in the legend. This is illustrated in the following figure.

You can configure an axis by clicking the X-axis or Y-axis tab. On both tabs you can choose whether to display the axis or axis labels, and you can specify the title name, the axis color, and the number of labels and ticks. For the X axis, you can also select whether to display the date.
To specify a title name, enter a title of up to 255 characters in the Title field. To specify a color, click the Label Color field and select a color from the Select Color dialog box.
To specify the number of labels in your chart, enter a number in the Number of Labels field. The maximum number of labels you can have is 21. Similarly, to specify the number of ticks per axis, enter a number in the Number of Ticks field. The maximum number of ticks you can have is 21.
The default values for ticks and labels appears in the Standard Chart Preferences tabbed page of the User Preferences dialog box.