SynchronizeSecurity Method Example

Before you can use the following example, you must first add a VBA reference to SecuritySynchronizerDLL.DLL.

To add a VBA reference to SecuritySynchronizerDLL.DLL:

  1. In the Visual Basic Editor, from the Tools menu, select References. The VBA References dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Browse button and select the iFIX installation directory (normally C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX).
  3. Select the SecuritySynchronizerDLL.dll file and click Open. A checked SecuritySynchronizerDLL reference is added in the VBA References dialog box.
  4. Click OK, then exit the Visual Basic Editor.

This example creates the SecuritySynchronizer object and calls the SynchronizeSecurity method.

Dim objSecSynch as SecuritySynchronizer

Set objSecSynch = New SecuritySynchronizer

objSecSynch.UseLocalSecurity = True



This method runs the security synchronization process.

Before calling the SynchronizeSecurity method, you must set either one or both of the following properties to True:

If you set the UseDomainSecurity property to True, you must also set the Domain property to a valid Windows domain name.