SynchronizeSecurity Method Example
Before you can use the following example, you must first add a VBA reference to SecuritySynchronizerDLL.DLL.
To add a VBA reference to SecuritySynchronizerDLL.DLL:
- In the Visual Basic Editor, from the Tools menu, select References. The VBA References dialog box appears.
- Click the Browse button and select the iFIX installation directory (normally C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX).
- Select the SecuritySynchronizerDLL.dll file and click Open. A checked SecuritySynchronizerDLL reference is added in the VBA References dialog box.
- Click OK, then exit the Visual Basic Editor.
This example creates the SecuritySynchronizer object and calls the SynchronizeSecurity method.
Dim objSecSynch as SecuritySynchronizer
Set objSecSynch = New SecuritySynchronizer
objSecSynch.UseLocalSecurity = True
This method runs the security synchronization process.
Before calling the SynchronizeSecurity method, you must set either one or both of the following properties to True:
If you set the UseDomainSecurity property to True, you must also set the Domain property to a valid Windows domain name.