High-Performance Linear Gauge for Historian (HPLinearGaugesHist.fds)

Dynamo Set

The high-performance Linear Gauges for Historian dynamo set is designed to support Historian data sources only. It includes the following horizontal and vertical dynamos.


  • This dynamo set is designed for Historian data sources, or tag groups with Historian tags.
  • A Historical Data Link within this dynamo shows the current value or specified historical data in run mode, which may not scale with the Lowest and Highest Input values.
  • Currently, the dynamos do not support complex mathematical expressions, Picture object properties, or Global Variables.

Dialog Box

The High-Performance Linear Gauge for Historian dynamo dialog box contains the following properties:

  • Linear Gauge Data Source - Allows you to specify the data source that animates the Linear Gauge Dynamo. Click the browse button (...) to browse data sources in the Expression Builder. Click the down button to view the last data sources you used. These dynamos are designed to support Proficy Historian data sources only.
  • Fetch from Data Source for Inputs - When enabled, lets you specify the data source for the inputs.
  • When this box is not checked, the Lowest and Highest Input Value fields are accessible in the Inputs section of the dialog box. These fields can be modified by the user.

  • When this box is checked, the fields contain dialog boxes with the data sources for the Fetched Inputs value in the Gauge Properties tab. The Lowest Input Value and the Highest Input Value fields show default data sources for the animation object's LoInValue and HiInValue properties.

  • Gauge Properties Tab - Opens dialog boxes for Inputs or the data sources for Fetched Inputs based on Fetch from Data Source for Inputs status and other settings for animation, Unit of Measure, and Colors.
  • Gauge Property


    Allow you to enter the lowest and highest input values to use.


    Fetch from Data Source for Inputs

    Allows you to specify data sources for Lowest and Highest Inputs.

    The default data sources are the animation object’s LoInValue and HiInValue properties. iFIX reads the EGU (Lo and Hi value) from Historian and then sets them to those properties in run mode.

    In most cases, you do not need to change them. However, you can use iFIX tags for a workaround if needed.

    Fill Percentages

    Provides a dialog box for the minimum and maximum percentages to use for the GaugeLevel animation in the dynamo.

    Units of Measure

    Allows you to select (or de-select) to display the Unit of Measure in the dynamo and specify strings for the Unit of Measure.

    Colors Allows you to accept the default gauge level and label colors or select new colors from the high performance Color Box. The previous illustration shows the default Gauge Level and Gauge Label colors.

NOTE: Data sources for Fetch Inputs do not support complex mathematical expressions, Picture object properties (other than default animation object's LoInValue and HiInValue), or Global Variables.

  • Historian Properties Tab - Opens dialog boxes to select properties to use with Historian tags.


    Show Time Stamp with Data

    When the check box is selected, a timestamp is shown with the data.

    Default = Checked.

    Start Date

    Lets you enter the date to start the data collection.

    • Fixed Date - Lets you specify a specific date to start gathering data.
    • Days Before Now - Lets you specify the number of days before today to start gathering data.

    Default: Disabled since the Historical Mode is the Current Value.

    Start Time

    Lets you enter the time to begin to collect data.

    • Fixed Time - Lets you enter a specific time to start gathering data.
    • Lock - Locks the current time, even if you change the timezone in the Date and Time Properties dialog box in the Control Panel. This field is only available when you designate a specific time to start the display using the Fixed Time field.
    • Duration Before Now - Allows you to specify the hours, minutes, and seconds before now (current date/time) to start the data collection.

    Default: Disabled since the Historical Mode is the Current Value.

    Time Zone

    Allows you to select the time zone for the data.

    You can also use the check box to adjust the time to Daylight Savings Time.

    Default: Disabled since the Historical Mode is the Current Value.

    Historical Mode

    Provides a drop-down menu to select the Historian data mode you want to use.

    Default: Current Value


    Specifies the duration time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

    Default: Disabled since the Historical Mode is the Current Value.

    Update Rate Specifies the update (refresh) rate in hours, minutes, and seconds.