SQL Task Configuration Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to control how the SQL software option executes SQL commands. Fields in this dialog box allow you to define how data is handled when the SQL software option is operating. The settings in this dialog box apply to all configured accounts, and override the SQT block setup for the SQL LIB location.

The SQL Task Configuration dialog box displays the following items:


Allows you to enable the SQL software option.  You must enable the SQL software option before you can enter information in the other configuration fields. When you change the SQL support state from disabled to enabled, the SQL task is added to the Task Configuration dialog box.

NOTE:  The SQL software option does not check to see if the SCADA node is running.  You must make sure your SCADA node is running before you can transfer or receive data from a relational database.  


Allows you to disable the SQL software option. When you change the SQL support state from enabled to disabled, the SQL task is removed from the Task Configuration dialog box.  

Primary Backup

Allows you to specify the primary back-up path and file name that the SQL software option uses when it cannot write to the relational database.  If the SQL software option cannot connect to the server, or loses a connection with the relational database, it backs up data to the file identified in the Primary field.  If the SQL software option fails to write to this file, it backs up data to the file identified in the Secondary field.  

If you set the primary path to a file server, consider setting the secondary path to a local drive.  With this setup, if the application cannot connect to the server because of a bad cable connection, the secondary path can back-up data to the local drive.  Once the system re-establishes a connection to the relational database, the system first processes any backed up SQL commands and data and then deletes the back-up file once the backup operation completes.  

IMPORTANT:  The SQL software option processes backed up SQL commands in the order in which they were backed up.  This means that the backed up SQL commands are processed in a first in, first out (FIFO) basis.  

You can enter any valid path and back-up file name in this field.  A sample path and file name are shown below:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PDB\filename.SQL


The path that you enter does not have to be an iFIX path. If your path entry does not exist at runtime, no paths are created. This means that the SQL software option generates an error message because it tries to send back-up data to a file that is assigned no destination path.

For SQT blocks to log to the primary or secondary backup files, you must select the Enable BackUp checkbox found on the Advanced tab. You must do this for each SQT block you want to utilize backup files.

Secondary Backup

Allows you to specify the secondary back-up path and file name that the SQL software option uses when it cannot write to the relational database.  If the SQL software option cannot connect to the server, or loses a connection with the relational database, it backs up data to the file identified in the Primary field.  If the SQL software option fails to write to this file, it backs up data to the file identified in the Secondary field.  

If you set the primary path to a file server, consider setting the secondary path to a local drive.  With this setup, if the application cannot connect to the server because of a bad cable connection, the secondary path can back-up data to the local drive.  Once the system re-establishes a connection to the relational database, the system first processes any backed up SQL commands and data and then deletes the back-up file once the backup operation completes.  

IMPORTANT:  The SQL software option processes backed up SQL commands in the order in which they were backed up.  This means that the backed up SQL commands are processed in a first in, first out (FIFO) basis.  

You can enter any valid path and back-up file name in this field.  A sample path and file name are shown below:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PDB\filename.SQL


The path that you enter does not have to be an iFIX path. If your path entry does not exist at runtime, no paths are created. This means that the SQL software option generates an error message because it tries to send back-up data to a file that is assigned no destination path.

For SQT blocks to log to the primary or secondary backup files, you must select the Enable BackUp checkbox found on the Advanced tab. You must do this for each SQT block you want to utilize backup files.

Error Msg Routing

Allows you to access the Configure Alarm Areas - SQL Error Messages dialog box, which lets you enable the alarm areas that will receive error messages generated by the SQL software option.  

Debug Msg Routing

Allows you to access the Configure Alarm Areas - SQL Debug Messages dialog box, which lets you enable the alarm areas that will receive debug messages generated by the SQL software option.  

Error Msg to Screen

Allows you to control whether error messages are sent to the SQL system task window while the SQL software option is operating (enabled).

NOTE:  If you enable the Debug Message to Screen option, the system automatically enables the Error Message to Screen option even if the Error Message to Screen check box is disabled.   

Debug Msg to Screen

Allows you to control whether debug messages are sent to the SQL system task window while the SQL software option is operating (enabled).

Be aware that these messages are displayed in Mission Control, on the SQL tab.

NOTE:  If you enable the Debug Message to Screen option, the system automatically enables the Error Message to Screen option even if the Error Message to Screen check box is disabled.   

Database ID

Displays the ODBC data source name specified during ODBC setup.  Any database specific information such as the server name or the database name is configured during the ODBC setup.  Once the ODBC data source has been configured, only the data source name needs to be specified to access that relational database.

Database ID Browse (...) Button

Allows you to access the Database IDs Available dialog box, which lets you select from a list of available database identifiers.

SQL Cmd Table

Allows you to specify the name of the SQL Library Table that contains the SQL commands.  The default name is SQLLIB.  Valid SQL Command Table names can include up to 31 characters.

The SQL LIB must be located inside the specified Database ID. If no Database ID is defined in this dialog box, iFIX defaults to the SQT DATABASE ID located in the SQL LIB.

Error Log Table

Allows you to specify the name of the SQL Error Log Table to which the SQL system task sends error messages.  If a SQL transaction fails, an entry is made to this table.  In isolating troublesome SQL transactions, a maintained table becomes a useful debugging tool.  Consider maintaining this log on an ongoing basis.  

The default name for the Error Log Table is SQLERR.  Valid Error Log Table names can include up to 31 characters.  If no table name is entered in this field, the application records no error messages to the relational database.

NOTE:  Completing the ERROR LOG TABLE field is optional.

Task Sleep Interval

Allows you to specify how often the SQL system task is processed (that is, how often it checks the SQT blocks in the node's database).  You should enter a time that is sufficient to monitor your application.  Valid entries are 0 to 99 seconds.  The default is 5 seconds.


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