Frequently Asked Questions about Enhanced Failover
The following sections identify questions and answers to commonly asked questions when working with Enhanced Failover.
Question |
Answer |
Why does my SCADA node display error message number 1914, every time the active SCADA switches? |
When an iClient establishes a connection to an active SCADA Server node in run mode, the iClient starts to read data from that node. When the active SCADA Server node switches to the partner SCADA, the iClient momentarily loses its session with that node, causing this error to appear. You can suppress this error from appearing on screen. For more information on how to suppress this message and others, refer to the Reading Data from iFIX Pictures in iClients section. |
What kind of hardware setup do I need for Enhanced Failover? |
It is required that you have at least one dedicated SCADA network. This network's components (LAN adapters, hubs, routers, switches, cables, and so on) should all be capable of running at 1 Gigabit. You can optionally utilize a crossover network cable if the partner SCADAs are close to each other. You need to configure the active and standby nodes identically. For more information, refer to the Configure Computers for Enhanced Failover section. |
What is the SCADA Sync Monitor and how is it used? |
The SCADA Sync Monitor displays information about the primary and secondary SCADA Servers. For example, it describes how often database synchronizations occur, whether the networks are in good communication, debug log messages that occur during synchronization of the databases, SAC information, and the overall system health on both nodes. This tool is good for troubleshooting Enhanced Failover. For more information, refer to the Diagnostics with the SCADA Sync Monitor section. |
What are the log files available for the LAN Redundancy and Enhanced Failover features in iFIX? |
For more information, refer to the Log Files for Enhanced Failover Features section. |
Is there an iFIX security feature for Enhanced Failover? |
Yes. For information, refer to the Assigning Failover Security Privileges to Users section. There is also a security area available for Enhanced Failover. Refer to the Security Area for Enhanced Failover section for more information. |