Disabling the 1914 Error Message

When an iClient establishes a connection to an active SCADA Server node, it starts to read data from that node. When the active SCADA Server node becomes unavailable or manual switching of the active SCADA occurs, the iClient momentarily loses its session with that node, causing a message box to appear with following message:

1914: Node.Tag.Field Connection Not Established With Node

To suppress this message from appearing on screen, edit the FilteredErrors.ini file, which is located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\Local directory. Add the 1914 error code to the FilteredErrors.ini file, as shown in the following example:

;To add an error code to be filtered increment the count and set

;the Error equal to the return code



Count = 4

Error1 = 1620

Error2 = 1914

Error3 = 1915

Error4 = 8517

In this example, all typical network session errors are suppressed. After you edit the FILTEREDERRORS.INI file, restart the iFIX WorkSpace to ensure your changes take effect.

To suppress the 1914 message from appearing on screen:

  1. Open the FilteredErrors.ini file in a text editor, such as Notepad. The FilteredErrors.ini file is typically located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\Local directory.
  2. Add a line for your entry, as in the following example:

;To add an error code to be filtered increment the count and set

;the Error equal to the return code



Count = 4

Error1 = 1620

Error2 = 1914

Error3 = 1915

Error4 = 8517


  1. Save the file.


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