If you have successfully enabled the Alarm ODBC Service and have configured your relational database, then each time an operator successfully signs for an action, a message is sent to the relational database. The message contains the following:
- Timestamp for the action.
- Name of the SCADA node.
- Fully-qualified name of the data source being changed (for data entry actions only).
- Name of the tag whose alarm is acknowledged or deleted (for alarm acknowledgement and deletion actions only).
- Original value (for data entry actions only).
- New value (for data entry actions only).
- Operator's name.
- Optionally, the operator's comments.
- Name of the verifier and any related comments, if the tag requires verification.
When electronic signature is not required for the tag, the message sent to the relational database is the standard iFIX operator message containing the timestamp for the action, the user name of the logged-in user, and the new value.
Signed operator messages are sent to alarm areas configured for operator messages. Therefore, operator messages do not necessarily get sent to the same alarm area that the corresponding tag belongs to. Refer to the Configuring Alarms section of the Setting Up the Environment manual for more information.
Example 1: Electronic Signature Not Required
In this example, electronic signature is not required for the tag. This message is sent to the relational database when an operator changes the value of the tag:

In this message, SJONES represents the user name of the currently logged-in iFIX user.
Example 2: Perform Only Signature Required
In this example, the tag requires a Perform Only signature. This message is sent to the relational database when an operator changes the value of the tag and signs for it:

In this message, JHARPER represents the user name, and James Harper, Sr. Operator is the full name of the operator that changed the analog setpoint value. Both the original value, 50.00, and the new value, 60.00, are clearly indicated.
Example 3: Perform and Verify Signature Required
In this example, the tag requires both Perform and Verify signatures. This message is sent to the relational database when an operator changes the value of the tag, signs for it, and a supervisor verifies the change:

In this message, JHARPER is the user name, and James Harper, Sr. Operator is the full name of the operator that changed the analog setpoint value. LWALL is the user name, and Lisa Wall, Shift Supervisor, is the full name of the supervisor that verified this action. Both the original value, 50.00, and the new value, 60.00, are clearly indicated.