Working with Recipe Notes

In addition to creating a recipe report, the Recipe Builder allows you to save recipe-related information to a file. This information could provide instructions to operators, version information, comments about the recipe, tips on uploading or downloading the recipe or anything else you want.

When you save this information, the Recipe Builder stores it in a recipe note file in the recipe control path. Recipe note files are ASCII text files and by convention are named recipe.RCN. Master and control recipes share the same recipe note file.

To create or modify a recipe notes file:

Select the Notes command from the File menu. This command starts the Windows Notepad application. If a note file does not already exist for the recipe, a message box with the following text appears:

Notes file [path\recipe.RCN] not found.
Create it?

Click Yes to create a note file with the name recipe.RCN. To abort the procedure, click No.

Once the program starts, you can enter the information you want to save. For information on how to add and modify text with Notepad, refer to your Microsoft Windows documentation.

When you are ready to save the note file, select Save from the File menu. If you are working with a new, untitled recipe, make sure you save the file with a .RCN extension and that the name of the note file and the recipe match; otherwise, the Recipe Builder will not be able to locate the note file subsequently. Also, make sure you save the note file in the control recipe path.

For example, if you plan to name the current recipe BEER, save the note file with the name BEER.RCN.

To disable recipe notes:

  1. In a text editor, open the rcp.ini file. If you installed iFIX to the default location, this file is located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\Local folder.
  2. In the [startup] section, change notes.disable to 1. (0 is the default.)
  3. Save the changes and close the rcp.ini file. The Notes command in the File Menu will be grayed out.

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