You can preload frequently used pictures directly into the picture cache when the WorkSpace starts in run mode. In order to do this, you need to modify the FixUserPreferences.ini file, located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\LOCAL directory. Use a text editor to modify this file. The following two configuration parameters are located in the [AppPreloadPicturePreferences] section of the FixUserPreferences.ini file. These parameters are required to preload pictures.
TotalPreloadPicturePath indicates the number of pictures you want to preload in the cache. PicturePath#N indicates the file name of each picture you want to preload. For example, to preload two pictures into the cache, enter the following lines to the FixUserPreferences.ini file:
NOTE: The WorkSpace
will only preload pictures when picture caching is enabled and the Start
WorkSpace in Run mode check box is enabled. WorkSpace does not preload
pictures when switching from configure mode to run mode.
Ensure that the number of pictures you enter to preload in the FixUserPreferences.ini
file does not exceed the Cache Size you have set in the WorkSpace User
Preferences dialog box.
Save and close the FixUserPreferences.ini file after making your changes. Restart the WorkSpace to load the new preferences settings.
Preloaded pictures are designated as always loaded by definition. They will not be dropped from the cache while you are in run mode. Displays are preloaded only when the WorkSpace is initially started in run mode.
See Also