Changing Picture Settings in the FixUserPreferences.ini File

iFIX provides you with the FixUserPreferences.ini file that allows you to make changes to user preferences that are not available on the User Preferences dialog box, from the iFIX WorkSpace. You can also make changes to preferences that are available on the dialog box. The FixUserPreferences.ini file is installed with iFIX and is located in the LOCAL folder of the iFIX install directory. When you install iFIX to the default location the path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\LOCAL.

You can also add user preferences to this file to control certain behavior.

Use caution when making changes to the FixUserPreferences.ini file, and ensure that you are changing the correct settings. You must shut down iFIX before making your changes to this file, and then restart it for the new settings to take effect.

Configuring Whether a Prompt Appears on Close for Changes in Run Mode

If you make a change to a picture in run mode, when you attempt to close the picture, a prompt appears warning you that your changes will not be saved. You can disable this warning prompt with the RuntimePictureChangeSaveWarning=0 setting in the [AppRunPreferences] section of the FIXUserPreferences.ini file.

Run mode changes can be made on-the-fly (via scripting) such as with the BuildObject. By default, a warning message about any changes appears when you close the picture in run mode. You may want to close this picture without user interaction, and not display this message.

To allow suppress this warning message, change the RuntimePictureChangeSaveWarning=1 setting (the default) to RuntimePictureChangeSaveWarning=0 in the FixUserPreferences.ini file. By default, this message is enabled (set to 1).

To disable the Save prompt that displays when you close a picture with changes in run mode:

  1. Shut down iFIX if you haven't already done so.
  2. Open the FixUserPreferences.ini file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
  3. Find the RuntimePictureChangeSaveWarning=1 setting under the [AppRunPreferences] section.
  4. Change the setting to 0.
  5. Save the FixUserPreferences.ini file and restart iFIX.

Changing the Nudge Settings

The nudge settings determine the number of pixels or degrees your object will move, scale, or rotate. Each action has both slow and fast settings. The setting is determined by whether you are using the shift or ctrl keys, a combination of both, or neither, depending on the action. The following table indicates which keys or key combinations to use for these actions:

To perform the action...

Use the following keys...


The arrow keys.


shift + arrow keys


ctrl + arrow keys


ctrl + shift + arrow keys


+ = Counter Clockwise
- = Clockwise


shift + rotate (+ or - )

NOTE: To perform either of the rotate actions, right-click the object and choose Rotate, then press either the shift or ctrl key and use the rotate handles that appear.

To change the nudge settings:

  1. Shut down iFIX if you haven't already done so.
  2. Open the FixUserPreferences.ini file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
  3. Find the [ShapePreferences2] section.
  4. Change the nudge settings, as required.
  5. Save the FixUserPreferences.ini file and restart iFIX.

Allowing a group click event

iFIX provides you with the ability to group objects in a picture and treat that group as if it is a single object. You can animate the group just like you can animate individual objects. By default, however, iFIX prevents certain objects in a group from performing events that are defined in the Visual Basic Editor, such as a message script. To allow all objects in a group to perform the desired events, change the PassControlClickEvent setting to 1 in the [AppRunPreferences] section of the FixUserPreferences.ini file.

To allow a group click event:

  1. Shut down iFIX if you haven't already done so.
  2. Open the FixUserPreferences.ini file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
  3. Find the PassControlClickEvent=0 setting under the [AppRunPreferences] section.
  4. Change the setting to 1.
  5. Save the FixUserPreferences.ini file and restart iFIX.

Disabling the Right-Click Menu

iFIX provides you with the ability to disable the right-click menu in the WorkSpace run mode. To disable the right-click menu in run mode, change the DisableRuntimeRightClickMenu setting to 1 in the [AppRunPreferences] section of the FixUserPreferences.ini file. By default, the right-click menu is enabled.

To disable the right-click menu in the WorkSpace:

  1. Shut down iFIX if you haven't already done so.
  2. Open the FixUserPreferences.ini file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
  3. Find the DisableRuntimeRightClickMenu=0 setting under the [AppRunPreferences] section.
  4. Change the setting to 1.
  5. Save the FixUserPreferences.ini file and restart iFIX.

See Also

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