Adding a Chart

You can choose to add either a Standard Chart or an Enhanced Chart to your picture. To add a chart to your picture, click the desired chart button on the Shapes toolbar (Classic view) or on the Insert tab, in the Charts group, select the desired Chart (Ribbon view). If you have the Toolbox enabled, click the button on the Toolbox. The cursor becomes a plus sign. Click and drag the mouse in an area of the picture where you want to place the chart. A chart appears on the screen, and also in the system tree.

By double-clicking the chart, you can define properties for the chart using the Chart Properties dialog box. The properties available depend on the data source selected. Chart Properties are detailed fully in the Trending Historical Data manual.

Trending Real-time Data in Your Picture

If you choose a real-time data source, certain properties are enabled or disabled, as shown in the following table. Real-time data sources can also include T_DATA from Trend blocks.

Real-Time Data Source Chart Properties 


Property State

Fixed Date


Fixed Time


Days Before Now


Duration Before Now






To plot real-time data, you must define a real-time data source. To do this, for Standard Charts, click the Chart tab, for Enhanced Charts, click the Data Sources tab, on the Chart Customization dialog box and, at the top of the tabbed page, enter a real-time data source in the Data Source field. Use Data Server.node.tag.field format. You can also use a local node alias by selecting THISNODE from the list. Alternately, you can click the Browse button to display the Expression Builder, which allows you to search global data sources through a data source browser. To learn how to use the Expression Builder and define data sources, refer to the Animating Object Properties chapter.

Once you have defined a real-time data source, you can define how the data is presented. For Standard Charts, using the data area of the Chart tabbed page, you can configure pen properties, pen styles, X and Y axis properties, time ranges, grid styles. You can also define general chart properties such as a name and description, scroll direction, attributes, and appearance. For Enhanced Charts, you can use the multiple tabs available to configure every attribute of the chart's appearance and data representation.

For Standard Charts only, default settings for charts are set in the Standard Chart Preferences tabbed page of the User Preferences dialog box. For more information on using charts and applying chart properties, refer to the Trending Historical Data manual.

How F_CV Real-time Values Are Trended

The duration and number of samples determine how F_CV real-time values are trended in a chart.  For example, if you set the number of samples to 600 and the duration to one minute, then the chart displays a value for every second. In this example, the trend array holds a maximum of 600 seconds of data, or 10 minutes. You can change the duration to any value under or equal to 10 minutes, and the trend line continues to be plotted. However, if you change the duration to a value greater then 10 minutes the trend is cleared, and the data is plotted based upon the new duration and number of samples. The following table illustrates this example, and provides a few more.

NOTE: Be aware that if you want to change the duration from a small value, such as 10 minutes, to larger value, such as an hour, and back, then it is highly recommended that you use either ETR (Extended Trend Blocks) or Historical data.


Number of Samples

Then the Trend Array Contains...

1 minute

600 samples

10 minutes of data, 1 value for every second

5 minutes

600 samples

10 minutes of data, 1 value for every second

10 minutes

600 samples

10 minutes of data,1 value for every second

1 hour

600 samples

1 hours of data, 1 value for every 6 seconds

6 hours

600 samples

1 hours of data, 1 value for every 36 seconds

12 hours

600 samples

1 hours of data, 1 value for every 72 seconds

24 hours

600 samples

1 hours of data, 1 value for every 144 seconds


See Also

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