In addition to securing scripts, you can also secure pictures and schedules by using the Security Area property. You can set this property on a picture or schedule using the Property window. For more information on properties, refer to the Controlling Object Properties chapter in the Creating Pictures manual. This property restricts access to a picture or schedule at run-time so that only users with rights to the specified area can access the pictures and schedules assigned to the security area, as the following figure shows.

Securing Pictures and Schedules
In the Securing Pictures and Schedules figure, notice that John can access the pictures and schedules in the security area Line 1 because he has rights to it. However, Frank cannot access the area Line 1 because Frank has rights to Line 5 only. If Frank attempts to open a picture or schedule in Line 1, a message box appears alerting him of the security violation. The violation is also recorded in the security audit trail and every enabled alarm destination except the Alarm Summary.
Pictures and schedules that you configure to preload at run-time are also restricted by the security area. Consequently, if you assign the operator display OVERVIEW.GRF to the security area Line 4 and configure the WorkSpace to load the picture automatically on startup, the picture will not load when John logs in because he does not have rights to Line 4. Preloading schedules works the same way: the logged-in user must have rights to the security area of the schedule, or the schedule does not run.