To enable or
disable global security paths:
- In Classic view, the iFIX WorkSpace, click the Security Configuration button on the toolbar.
In Ribbon view, on the Applications tab, in the System & Security group, click Security, and then click Security Configuration Utility.
- On the Security toolbox, click the Configuration button.
- Select the Use These Paths for All Startup Profiles check box to enable this option, or clear the check box to disable it.
- If you cleared the check box to disable this feature, a dialog box appears. Click OK to continue.
IMPORTANT: For global security paths to work correctly, the Base and Language paths in the SCU's Path Configuration dialog box must be the same for all users. Project paths can differ, however. To open the SCU, click the Start button and point to iFIX and then System Configuration. Click the Path Configuration button to open the Path Configuration dialog box. The default Base path is C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX, while the default Language path is C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\NLS.