Overview of Change Management Server Configuration Steps

To allow Change Management features to be used from the iFIX WorkSpace, you must perform the following steps on Change Management Server:

  1. Add a user for iFIX projects.
  2. Configure user privileges.

NOTE: Each set of steps is listed in the order that they should be performed.

To add a user for iFIX projects:

  1. Start Machine Edition.
  2. In the Navigator, right-click Access Control and select Check Out Access Control.
  3. In the Access Control folder, right-click the User folder and select New User.
  4. Enter a name and press Enter. The name that you enter in this field is one that you created for iFIX in the Overview of iFIX Configuration Steps section.
  5. Right-click the user you just created in step 4, and select Change Password. The Change Password dialog box appears.

    Be sure that the password matches the password that you entered in the iFIX Security Configuration application. This password should be in the same case as the iFIX password.

TIP: For more information on creating passwords in Change Management, refer to the "Working with users" topic in the Change Management help.

  1. Click OK.
  2. In the Navigator, right-click Access Control and select Check In Access Control.

To configure user privileges:

  1. In the Navigator, right-click Access Control and select Check Out Access Control.
  2. Double-click the User folder to view all users.
  3. Right-click user that you just created in the previous set of steps, and select Add to Group, and then Administrators.


    • Members of the Administrator group can perform any operation in Change Management, the Scheduler, or projects stored in the folder. You must be an Administrator if you want to run schedules and have full check in and check out rights on the iFIX project files. The Administrator group has full manage rights, including check out rights.
    • If you want to give a user a subset of permissions (for example, just check in/check out privileges), it is recommended that you create a group that only has Check in/Check out set to TRUE, and then assign that user to the group.
    • Permissions are "additive." So, if a user belongs to 3 groups and if any those three groups a permission set to TRUE, the user gets that permission. The permissions that the iFIX WorkSpace uses include: Check In and Out, Get, Label, Override Checkout, Change Password, and Edit Project List.
  1. In the Navigator, right-click Access Control and select Check In Access Control.

See Also

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