
The Destroy option from the Manage menu allows you to permanently remove a file from the Change Management Server. You can optionally remove the file from your local drive, or delete it as well.

WARNING: After you destroy a file, there is no history of the file on the Change Management Server. A destroyed file is permanently lost and cannot be recovered.

The following figure shows an example of the Destroy dialog box.

To destroy a file:

  1. In the iFIX WorkSpace system tree, right-click the file you want to delete, and on the Manage menu, select Destroy.
  2. If you want to keep the version of the file on your local drive, select the Remove only from Change Management server check box. Otherwise, to delete the local version of the file as well, clear this check box.
  3. Click OK. A status box appears on screen as the file is removed.

See Also

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