Check In

The Check In option from the Manage menu allows you to copy a file, folder, or project from your local SCADA to the Change Management Server. After you use the Check In command, you release your control on that file, folder, or project so that another user can work on that file, folder, or project. The following figure displays an example of the Check In dialog box.

IMPORTANT: You must perform a Check Out (copy a writable version of the file, project, or folder from the Change Management Server to your computer), before you can perform a Check In (copy your version of the file, project, or folder from your computer back to the Change Management Server).

To check in a file, folder, or project:

  1. In the iFIX WorkSpace system tree, right-click the file, folder, or project that you want to copy to the Change Management Server, and on the Manage menu, and select Check In. The Check In dialog box appears.
  2. Optionally, in the Comment text box, enter a comment. The comment can be no longer than 255 characters. The comments you enter are recorded on the Change Management Server.
  3. NOTE: If comments are required, the OK button in this dialog box does not become available until you enter a comment. Comments are required when you enable them in the iFIX User Preferences dialog box, on the Change Management tab, by selecting the Require Comments to Check In and Check Out Files check box.

  4. Optionally, select the Keep Local Copy check box, if you want to keep a writable version of the project files on your local computer. Otherwise, clear the Keep Local Copy check box to remove the local files after you add them to the Change Management Server.
  5. Optionally, select the Keep Check Out check box, if you want to check in the files, and check them out to your local computer.
  6. Click OK. A status box appears on screen as the files check in.

See Also

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