Internal Error Messages for AAMTCP.exe

If the Auto Alarm Manager encounters a problem during startup or initialization that it cannot recover from, then a message box appears stating that an internal error occurred with a brief description of the error. For example:

User Queue not found - Run WUSERQ1.EXE or WUSERQ2.EXE

Fatal errors such as these cause the Auto Alarm Manager to shut down. You must resolve the problem and restart iFIX, if you want the Auto Alarm Manager to run properly. The following table lists some of the internal error messages that can occur and possible resolutions.



User Queue not found - Run WUSERQ1.EXE or WUSERQ2.EXE.

The appropriate user queue could not be found. You do not have WUSERQ1.EXE or WUSERQ2.EXE running.

Ensure that you have the appropriate WUSERQ configured with the –Q1 or –Q2 command option. To do so, review the command line options in the [AUTO ALARM TCPIP] section of the FIX.ini.

For descriptions of command line options and how to update the FIX.ini, refer to Command Line Options for AAMTCP.exe section.

You must enable FIX networking to use Auto Alarm Manager for TCP/IP.

The TCP/IP networking feature must be enabled in the iFIX or FIX SCU.

For instructions on how to enable TCP/IP networking in iFIX, refer to the Enabling TCP/IP Networking for the Auto Alarm Manager section in the Setting up the Environment electronic book.

Can't read Remote FIX configuration from SCU. Have you configured AAM in the SCU?

An error occurred when reading the Auto Alarm Manager configuration information.

In the SCU, on the Sender and Receiver node, check the Auto Alarm Manager Configuration dialog box. Ensure that all settings are configured properly.

For steps on how to configure the Auto Alarm Manager in the SCU, refer to the Configuring the Auto Alarm Manager in iFIX section.

Auto Alarm Manager is not enabled in the SCU.

The AAMTCP.exe shuts down if it is not configured in SCU to receive or send alarms.

In the SCU, on the Sender and Receiver node, open the Auto Alarm Manager Configuration dialog box. Ensure that the Send Alarms or Receive Alarms option is enabled, along with the appropriate options.

For steps on how to configure the Auto Alarm Manager in the SCU, refer to the Configuring the Auto Alarm Manager in iFIX section.

Error in Acknowledging alarm. No AALARM user found.

iFIX or FIX security is enabled, but you do not have the necessary security rights defined for the Auto Alarm Manager on your Sending nodes.

Without these rights, iFIX cannot accept the Auto Alarm Manager's acknowledgments. Verify that the AALARM account exists, and that it is enabled for all security rights.

For more information, refer to the Before You Begin: Configure Security Rights.

Error initializing NT security attributes.

A Windows operating system error occurred. Check Windows or your user access rights.

For more information, refer to Windows help.


The Auto Alarm Manager failed to initialize correctly because this is a PlantTV node, and that type of node not supported.

Failed to post an n_receive().

Confirm that iFIX started correctly, and that networking is enabled and running.

For instructions on how to enable TCP/IP networking in iFIX, refer to the Enabling TCP/IP Networking for the Auto Alarm Manager section in the Setting up the Environment electronic book.

osx_glbl_alloc() of Management Buffer failed.

Memory could not be allocated to run the Auto Alarm Manager.

Check the following:

  • Confirm that FIX or iFIX started properly and is running.
  • Ensure that you have enough free memory available on your system.

System Error: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\TCPTask.exe

GetAllWin2KipAddrs() – GetAdaptersInfoSizing Failed with Error

This is a non-fatal error. It occurs if you enabled TCP/IP networking in iFIX and your computer does not have an Ethernet card. Two of these error messages appear when you start iFIX.

You can safely acknowledge both messages. iFIX and the Auto Alarm Manager should still start properly. If not, check your network adapter. It's possible that it does not have the TCPIP protocol enabled.

See Also