Understanding the iFIX Object Hierarchy

There is a general hierarchy of objects in iFIX. The individual objects, as well as all of their related properties, methods, and events, are described in much greater detail in the Object Summary Help Topic in the iFIX Automation Interfaces Electronic Book.

The top layers in the object hierarchy are the Application and the System objects. The Application object represents the iFIX WorkSpace application. The System object is on the same level as the Application object and includes system information, date, time, and paths.

The next level below the Application object is the documents object which is a collection of active documents within the WorkSpace such as pictures and schedules.

The third level in the object hierarchy is the Page Object, which may be a picture, dynamo set, or scheduler object. If the page object is a picture, it can contain lines, rectangles, ovals, or other graphic objects. If the page object is a Scheduler object, it might contain timer or event objects.

Animation objects are unique to iFIX pictures and do not apply to other document objects.

See Also