Creating Global Forms for Data Entry

This example shows how to create a UserForm in the UserGlobals page and reference it from a picture for the purpose of data entry. Inserting run-time accessible forms in the User Globals page allows only one copy of the form on the system. This makes version control easier and minimizes the size of iFIX picture files.

This example uses a form that you create in User Globals. The following figure shows how it should appear in the run-time environment.

Data Entry Dialog Box

This example contains a UserForm frmListEntry and a module UGSubs, both of which are located in Project_User. The name of the picture is LISTENTRY1.GRF.

Example: Form Code


Option Explicit

Dim strDataSource As String

'Custom subroutine to pass DataSource and List items to form

Public Sub SetupTheData(DataSource As String, _

Optional Item1 As String, Optional Item2 As String, _

Optional Item3 As String, Optional Item4 As String, _

Optional Item5 As String, Optional Item6 As String)

'Get the data source and any passed-in items for the list.

'This example uses six items, but there is no limit.


strDataSource = DataSource

     If Item1 <> "" Then EntryBox.AddItem Item1

     If Item2 <> "" Then EntryBox.AddItem Item2

     If Item3 <> "" Then EntryBox.AddItem Item3

     If Item4 <> "" Then EntryBox.AddItem Item4

     If Item5 <> "" Then EntryBox.AddItem Item5

     If Item6 <> "" Then EntryBox.AddItem Item6


End Sub


Private Sub CancelButton_Click()

     Unload Me


End Sub


Private Sub OKButton_Click()

     Dim DataObj As Object


     On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

     'Write the chosen value from the list to the tag.

     Set DataObj = System.FindObject(strDataSource)

     DataObj.Value = EntryBox.Value

     Unload Me

     Exit Sub


          MsgBox "Error " + Str(Err.Number) + " has occurred" _

          + Chr(10) + Chr(13) + Err.Description


End Sub

Example: Module Code


Option Explicit

'Declare the Form object.

'This must be in a Module to use the user-defined data type.

'The user-defined data type allows Quick Info and Auto

'Complete to work.

Public ListForm As frmListEntry

Public Sub GetListForm()

     'Creates a new instance of the form.

     Set ListForm = New frmListEntry


End Sub

Example: iFIX Object Code


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()


     On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

     'Create an instance of the form.


     'Pass in the tag to control and load the form list with

     'choices. Use text or numbers as appropriate for the

     'tag-field data type.

     UGSubs.ListForm.SetupTheData _


     "Off", "Low", "Medium", "High"

     'Show the form.


     Exit Sub




End Sub