Planning Your Database Write

In the course of your business operations you will find that, over time, the information stored in your databases changes. For example, you acquire new customers, or information about existing customers changes, such as the contact person name, or telephone number. VisiconX allows you to write this new information to your databases using either an SQL Insert or Update statement.

IMPORTANT (iFIX USERS ONLY): Before you can write to a database you must have the VisiconX Writes application feature added to your user and/or group account. Also, if the data controls you created in a previous version of iFIX were performing database writes, they will no longer work; you must add the VisiconX Writes application feature to your user and/or group account. For more information, see Application Features in the iFIX Configuring Security Features e-book.

Adding to or changing information means finding out which database you want to update and how information is organized in the database so that you can determine which tables and columns to access.

After you have determined where and how information is organized, you should find out:

  • Which table or tables you want to add to or change.
  • Which columns contain the information you want to add to or change.
  • When performing an Update, which comparison expressions to use in the row filter and whether to combine the expressions using an And operator or an Or operator.

You may need to perform multiple database writes, especially when the data residing in one database affects the data in another database.


  • SQL statements must follow standard SQL-92 conventions. Consistent with SQL standards, any statements you enter are not case-sensitive.
  • When executed through a stored procedure, the Datetime output parameter does not return milliseconds because the ADOParameter returned to the VisiconX object from ADOCommand does not contain the millisecond part.


See Also