Creating a Query

A query accesses tables in a database and returns the data you request. A simple query returns the entire contents of a single table. A more complex query filters rows based on selection criteria, sorts data, or combines data from more than one table. With VisiconX, it's easy to create queries as simple or complex as you need.

Query creation begins in the Record Source tab of the Data Control OLE Properties dialog box. The Command Type list box let you choose what type of query to create, as shown in the following table.

Query Command Types

Command Type


SQL Command

Uses the SQL Wizard to create an SQL command or lets you enter an SQL command manually.


Returns data for an entire table.

Stored Procedure

Maps query properties to the parameters of a stored procedure.

The Record Source tab also provides options for setting the type of database lock to use when reading and updating data. For more information, see Advanced Topics in the Setting Up the Environment e-book.

See Also

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