Inserting a VisiconX Control in CIMPLICITY
To insert a VisiconX
Data Control:
- In CimEdit, open the Object Explorer.
- From the VisiconX folder in the Object Explorer, drag the Data Control object into the CimEdit screen.
To insert a VisiconX
Grid Control:
- In CimEdit, open the Object Explorer.
- From the VisiconX folder in the Object Explorer, drag the Grid Control object into the CimEdit screen.
To insert a VisiconX
ListBox Control:
- In CimEdit, open the Object Explorer.
- From the VisiconX folder in the Object Explorer, drag the ListBox Control object into the CimEdit screen.
To insert a VisiconX
ComboBox Control:
- In CimEdit, open the Object Explorer.
- From the VisiconX folder in the Object Explorer, drag the ComboBox Control object into the CimEdit screen.
TIP: You can also insert a control by double-clicking on it in the Object Explorer. The control will be placed in the center of the CimEdit screen.
See Also