The process for collecting and inserting process data into a relational database using iFIX ODBC is outlined below.
To collect and insert process data into a relational database using iFIX ODBC:
NOTE: In order for this process to work, iFIX must be running. Otherwise, you will receive an error message.
- The SQL Trigger block (SQT) triggers; the SQL task reads the SQL command name from the SQT block.
- The SQL task retrieves the associated command from the SQL Library Table.
- The SQL task reads the tags specified in the SQL command from the SQL Data block (SQD) and reads the values associated with these tags from the iFIX database.
- The SQL task executes the SQL command and inserts data into or selects data from the relational database.
- If the SQL command is a SELECT command, the retrieved data is written to the iFIX tags defined in the SQD block.