Understanding the Communication Process

The process for collecting and inserting process data into a relational database using iFIX ODBC is outlined below.

To collect and insert process data into a relational database using iFIX ODBC:

NOTE: In order for this process to work, iFIX must be running. Otherwise, you will receive an error message.

  1. The SQL Trigger block (SQT) triggers; the SQL task reads the SQL command name from the SQT block.
  2. The SQL task retrieves the associated command from the SQL Library Table.
  3. The SQL task reads the tags specified in the SQL command from the SQL Data block (SQD) and reads the values associated with these tags from the iFIX database.
  4. The SQL task executes the SQL command and inserts data into or selects data from the relational database.
  5. If the SQL command is a SELECT command, the retrieved data is written to the iFIX tags defined in the SQD block.

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