System and User Data Sources

ODBC (specifically the Administrator and Driver Manager) provides the concept of system and user data sources. Any user can create a system data source and that data source becomes available to any user. A user data source, on the other hand, is only available to the user who created it.

For example, assume your system has three user accounts: Account1, Account2, and Account3. Account1 creates a system data source sysAccount1. Account2 creates a user data source userAccount2. Account3 creates a user data source userAccount3. Account1 can only use sysAccount1. Account2 can use sysAccount1 and userAccount2. Account3 can use sysAccount1 and userAccount3.

The ODBC Data Source Administrator allows you to create a system data source simply by clicking the System DSN button and adding the data source. System data sources appear in the System DSN list. However, when you call up the list of available data sources in the SCU, both system and user (for the user currently logged in) data sources are listed. If your ODBC driver installs an earlier version of the driver manager, you can copy the driver manager located in the iFIX Base path to your operating system's SYSTEM directory.