Managing Multiple SQL Connections
The SQL task manages multiple connections using the following:
When the... |
The SQL task... |
System starts up |
Reads the SQL Task Configuration information from the SCU and logs into the Database ID (if defined) in the SQL Task Configuration. This data source is the default login. |
SQT Block triggers |
Logs into a database using the following search pattern for Database IDs: 1. SQT block's Database ID. 2. SCU Database ID (location for command & Errlog tables). 3. First Database ID listed in the SQL Accounts dialog box. |
Connection is established |
Maintains the connection until the SQL task is stopped. |
Connection is lost |
Retries the connection at the interval specified by the /LD parameter and continues processing SQL blocks to other data sources. Commands are backed up to the backup file specified in the SCU until the SQL task can re-establish a connection to the database. |
Connection is re-established |
Searches through the backup file for entries. Entries to databases that are not connected are ignored until the connection can be re-established. |