Managing Multiple SQL Connections

The SQL task manages multiple connections using the following:

When the...

The SQL task...

System starts up

Reads the SQL Task Configuration information from the SCU and logs into the Database ID (if defined) in the SQL Task Configuration. This data source is the default login.

SQT Block triggers

Logs into a database using the following search pattern for Database IDs:

1. SQT block's Database ID.

2. SCU Database ID (location for command & Errlog tables).

3. First Database ID listed in the SQL Accounts dialog box.

Connection is established

Maintains the connection until the SQL task is stopped.

Connection is lost

Retries the connection at the interval specified by the /LD parameter and continues processing SQL blocks to other data sources. Commands are backed up to the backup file specified in the SCU until the SQL task can re-establish a connection to the database.

Connection is re-established

Searches through the backup file for entries. Entries to databases that are not connected are ignored until the connection can be re-established.

See Also