Security Areas

To protect database blocks from unauthorized writes, iFIX employs security areas. You can think of a security area as a group of database blocks with the same security level. Operators with rights to a particular security area can write to any database block that is a member of that security area.

The following figure illustrates how iFIX uses security areas.

Security Areas

In this example, there are two security areas known as LINE1 and LINE2. All four database blocks shown belong to LINE1, but only the two database blocks on the right belong to LINE2. The Engineering group is assigned rights to LINE1 and the Operations group is assigned rights to LINE2. Since all database blocks belong to LINE1, the Engineering group can write to all four database blocks. The Operations group is assigned rights to LINE2, but not to LINE1. Therefore, the Operations group can only write to the two database blocks on the right.

See Also